Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Night with the Braves

Last night, Will's spring tball team had their end of the party at a Mississippi Braves game and they got to run out on the field with the players. Will had been assigned to the left fielder, so when they called his name in the starting line up, Will ran out on the field with him. They stayed out there through the National Anthem then came back to us. It was so cute to see him out there by the real player! After that, they had the party complete with hot dogs, cake, ice cream, and the best part.....the trophy! We had a great time together and this was such a fun thing for the boys to do!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Will loses his first tooth!!!

Last night, Will lost his first baby tooth!! It had been loose for quite a while and we actually tried to pull it yesterday morning, but it wasn't quite ready. Last night, Will went to the bathroom and pulled it all by himself. I had already fallen asleep and Randy was painting in the kitchen and the next thing we knew, he was running through the house screaming, "MY TOOTH!! MY TOOTH!! I GOT IT!!!" He was so excited and looks so cute. My baby is growing up way too fast.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Addie's Big Cut!!

Addie participated in the Pantene Beautiful Lengths program that one of our local tv stations sponsors. People sign up to have their hair cut, and the donated hair is made into wigs for people battling cancer and who lose their hair due to the treatments. Addie has only had her hair trimmed once but has never had any length cut off, so this was a big day for her. We talked to her about it at length b/c we didn't want to push her into it if it was going to traumatize her. After all, she is only 3 1/2 and could do it when she's older. We explained to her that it would help a very sick little girl who doesn't have any hair. She wanted to do it from the time we told her about it. Well, today was the big day. We went to the appointed facility at six am this morning (whew...I had to get up at 4!!) The WLBT crew was there with cameras rolling as Addie came in. Her entire haircut was filmed (she had approximately 10 inches cut) and she sat there so sweetly as if she's been on tv every day of her life. After her cut was done, they interviewed me and that part was on their live morning report. She looks precious and we're so proud of you, Addie! We love you!!