Friday, December 19, 2008

Addie's K3 Christmas Celebration

Addie's K3 class with members of the Nativity Story.
Addie and her sweet friend, Addie Hart.
Addie the innkeeper.
Addie waiting for her turn to be the innkeeper in the telling of the Christmas story.

Addie's preschool had their Christmas celebration this morning. This year, instead of having individual class parties, all of the classes rotated through different areas. First we went to the sanctuary and listened to a storyteller tell the Nativity Story. Some of the children helped act out the story, and Addie was the innkeeper. The next activity was a plateful of yummy food to eat and they had their picture made with other members of the Nativity Story. After that, there was singing in the sanctuary to end the morning. Now we're officially on Christmas vacation!!!!

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